
Donate To ArtWell Today!

Gifts of all sizes make a difference for our students. Please join us in bringing the joy of art and creativity to young people throughout Philadelphia. Explore ways to give and support our mission below!

Donate Directly Here→

Donate via Check

To donate directly, please make your check payable to “ArtWell” and mail it to:
100 W. Oxford St. Suite E-1200
Philadelphia, PA 19122

Other Ways To Give

Other Ways To Give

  • ArtWell participates in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. Participating companies authorized to do business in Pennsylvania are eligible to receive a tax credit for their donation to ArtWell. To find out more and learn how to apply, please click here.

  • Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the impact!

  • Let your workplace know to use ArtWell’s Donor Choice ID number: 55150 for your next donation!

  • A contribution to ArtWell can be arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. The most common planned giving includes bequeathed gifts in a will/trust, life insurance, annuities, donor-advised funds, real estate holdings, artwork, and more.

Have questions about giving to ArtWell?

Please contact our Executive Director, Malia Gilbert Neal at